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Scrolling Title and Description of Blog

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If you want to stylize your Blog, this is nice widget to show your Blog Title Scrolling.

Follow the following steps to install it;

  1. Login to Blogger
  2. Layout / Add gadget
  3. Select HTML / JavaScript
  4. Paste the following code:
<script> function tb8_makeArray(n){ this.length = n; return this.length; } tb8_messages = new tb8_makeArray(3); tb8_messages[0] = "www.BloggerProfessionals.com"; tb8_messages[1] = "Experiment Lab for Blogger Professional"; tb8_messages[2] = "Description of the Blog"; tb8_rptType = 'infinite'; tb8_rptNbr = 5; tb8_speed = 125; tb8_delay = 1000; var tb8_counter=1; var tb8_currMsg=0; var tb8_tekst =""; var tb8_i=0; var tb8_TID = null; function tb8_pisi(){ tb8_tekst = tb8_tekst + tb8_messages[tb8_currMsg].substring(tb8_i, tb8_i+1); document.title = tb8_tekst; tb8_sp=tb8_speed; tb8_i++; if (tb8_i==tb8_messages[tb8_currMsg].length){ tb8_currMsg++; tb8_i=0; tb8_tekst="";tb8_sp=tb8_delay; } if (tb8_currMsg == tb8_messages.length){ if ((tb8_rptType == 'finite') && (tb8_counter==tb8_rptNbr)){ clearTimeout(tb8_TID); return; } tb8_counter++; tb8_currMsg = 0; } tb8_TID = setTimeout("tb8_pisi()", tb8_sp); } tb8_pisi() </script>
You can change the Red Text in Code to Customize this widget according to your Requirement.


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