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Country Based Blogspot Domain Redirection

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If you are using blogspot and have not a top level domain name, and your opens in other countries, it will redirect to that country based domain i.e. yourblog.bolgspot.cn for china.
This thing becomes a headache if your are not on top level domain, because Search engines may find similar contents of your site on country based domain which is not allowed by search engine. (Duplicate contents on different domains)

If you have top level domain then no need to worry, but if your domain contains blogspot at the tail of your blog name then use this small Javascript to stop redirects and allow it to stay always on blogspot.com domain.

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Find </head> and paste the following code above/before </head> tag;

if ((window.location.href.toString().indexOf('.com/'))=='-1') {
window.location.href =


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