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Host JavaScript(.js) Files on google code

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Hosting JavaScript Files on private server is a Problem when you have a good traffic on your blog. If you are using a private hosting, these files may eat up most of your bandwidth.
There are many free hosting Sites that Provide free hosting of .js files. But they provide limited bandwidth. So for high traffic sites, it may cause problem.
There is a solution of this problem :).
I am sharing a tutorial of how to host .js files on free hosting with Unlimited Bandwidth.

Step 1:

Just Click on this Link and follow the instructions shown in image Below;
Click on the Create a New Project.

Step 2:

Then Enter the Project Name,Project Summary and Description.
Version Control System: Check the Mercurial option
Select Source Code license to GNU GPL v2
Then enter Project Labels if you want, it is optional;

Step 3:

Now Click on Create Project as Shown;

Step 4:

You are Ready to Go Now!!!
Now you can Upload Files to Google Code for Free with unlimited Bandwidth.

How to Upload .js Files?

Just Follow the instructions as in Image Below;

To Upload a New File Click on New Download
Enter Summary of the Project and Choose the file you want to upload. Then enter the label if you want and Click on Submit File.

Yes you file is Ready to Use. Now You can Use the Link of the file in HTML or anywhere you want to Use.

Are You a Blogger?

If you are Blogger, you can upload .js files on Blogger itself. Just Follow the Link

How to Upload .js Files on Blogger itself


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