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How to Host JavaScript(.js) files on blogger itself

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If you are a blogger then you can host/upload JavaScript(.js) files on Blogger itself. Advantage of hosting JavaScript File on Blogger is, it will load more faster the the other hosting. Because Google have Dedicated Severs and Have much More Speed.


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  • Click on Edit HTML
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Find the .js File that you want to Host on Blogger


JavaScript(.js) files have extension of .js i.e. Bloggerprofessional.googlecode.com/xyz.js

Code will look like this;


<script src=”http://URL-OF-FILE/file-name.js” type=”text/javascript” />

Now download the .js file(http://URL-OF-FILE/file-name.js) or directly open in Browser and copy all the Code and paste it in the code as shown below.


<script type='text/javascript'>
<!--Paste the Copied code Here-->

That’s it. Now Save Changes and you are good to go.

No Worry of Deleting Files and Limited Bandwidth.


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  1. Is it really work? And, my blog's templet have a problem that, if i link on main menu to other site, it come with my link like bdalbum.com/facebook.com/so.i.cat but, i need only facebook.com/so.i.cat help needed.

  2. LOL its not called hosting.... its called INLINE ADDING OF JAVASCRIPT..
    bt nice info..


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