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How to Create a Nice Contact Us Page for Blogger

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For a Professional Website, its compulsory that it should have a contact us page. While using Blogger Platform its difficult to create a contact us page because it does not support 'PHP'. So you have to rely on 3rd party for contact us page.
Today i am sharing with you a website which creates free contact Us Page. It has many advantages on other Websites. Also it Provides anti spam Protection so you mail box will not be flooded with unknown emails.

  • No Registration
  • Creation is as 1-2-3
  • Antispam Protection
  • Contact Messages are direct to your Mail Box

 How to Create a form?? Let's Start

Open This Website FoxyForm

There are 3 Steps to Create Form;

Step 1: Setting
You can Set which options to display and which fields are compulsory.

Step 2: Advance Settings
In advance setting you can choose background color of form, font and font size.

Step 3: Email

Enter the email here where contact us messages will be forwarded.

And Yes!!! Its Done....

Here is the Preview of Your Form:

For Demo You can See our Contact Us Page

Now Goto Blogger and Create a Static Page and Click on HTML, Paste the code created from above Steps and Publish the Page.


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